Principles of Zoology
Animal Behavior*
Phenotypic Plasticity*
Graduate Student Seminars: Evolution of Sex (Fall 2017), Evolution of Beauty (Fall 2018), Darwin’s Other Big Idea (Fall 2019), Sexual Selection: the Female Perspective (Fall 2022)
Study tips for Principles of Zoology and Animal Behavior: Westerman Lecture Guide
I will be teaching Phenotypic Plasticity (BIOL 4807V-007/5800V-012) in Spring 2025
In this course I will introduce students to the role of environmental effects on development and within-lifetime phenotypic change (otherwise known as phenotypic plasticity, or Gene by Environment (GxE)) in a wide range of organisms and scales of life, from bacteria to animals, from cancer to climate change. Students will learn the basic theory and molecular mechanisms of plasticity through topical lectures, paper discussions, and hands-on experiments.
Students will work in small groups to design, execute, and analyze a phenotypic plasticity project utilizing ecologically and economically important plants, as well as pollinators. These guided independent group projects give students the opportunity to conduct, interpret, and present a scientific experiment, expose students to the scientific writing process, and allow students to participate in a oral presentation symposium similar to those found at national conferences. Students receive ample feedback on their projects and presentations throughout the semester, to facilitate confidence, discussion, and success.
Syllabus (subject to minor changes): PhenotypicPlasticitySyllabus
I will be teaching Animal Behavior (BIOL 4833/5833) in the Fall 2025 semester
In this course I will use examples from a number of different animal taxa to cover a broad range of topics in animal behavior, including sensory systems, communication, cognition, foraging, competition, cooperation, defense, and sexual selection. Students will learn the basic theory underlying our understanding of different types of animal behavior, as well as gain an appreciation for the incredible diversity in foraging tactics, communication, and predator defense exhibited by animals today.
For the lab, students will work in small groups to design, execute, and analyze an animal behavior project. These guided independent group projects give students the opportunity to conduct, write up, and present a scientific experiment, expose students to the scientific writing process, and allow students to participate in a oral presentation symposium similar to those found at national conferences. Students receive ample feedback on their projects and presentations throughout the semester, to facilitate confidence, discussion, and success.
Animal Behavior lecture and lab are back to being in person. For the lab, we will have a mix of outdoors labs where students learn behavioral data collection techniques in the field; and indoors labs where students learn R, experimental design, and data analysis.
There will be independent group projects, and students are able to use the writing assignment in Animal Behavior for their senior writing requirement.
*Animal Behavior and Phenotypic Plasticity can fulfill the senior writing requirement.
The lab has a formal meeting time on Fridays, and lectures will formally be MW. This is in addition to the independent group research projects. The longer Friday meeting time gives us more time to discuss experimental design, handling data, reading the literature, and preparing student projects. This additional time should increase comprehension and the sophistication of student research projects.
Syllabus (subject to minor changes): AnimalBehaviorSyllabusSpring2020
I will be using Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach, 12th Edition, by Dustin R. Rubenstein
as a text. There are dramatic differences between the 10th and 12th editions, so please be sure to obtain the correct edition for the class.
A few examples of animal behavior:
I taught Principles of Zoology (BIOL 1603) from 2017-2023
In this course we introduce students to the diversity of animal life on our planet while discussing how different groups of animals have solved common problems, including, but not limited to: respiration, movement, perception, reproduction, and development. Students gain a basic understanding of metazoan body plans and life histories, explore comparative zoology, and learn the biology underlying some of the most spectacular zoological oddities known today.
Syllabus: ZoologySyllabusFall2023
Lab Syllabus: ZoologyLabSyllabus2023
I used Integrated Principles of Zoology, 19th Edition, by Hickman, Roberts, Keen, Eisenhower, Larson, and l’Anson.
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